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Политика конфиденциальности


P. P. H. MARC-TH M. B. Kamiń­scy sp. j.


  1. Con­trol­ler of per­so­nal data rece­ived at conc­lu­ding agre­ements/presenting com­mer­cial offer is P. P. H. MARC-TH M. B. Kamiń­scy sp. j. ente­red to the regi­ster of entre­pre­neurs of Natio­nal Court Regi­ster kept by District Court for War­saw Capi­tal City in War­saw, IV Com­mer­cial Depart­ment – Natio­nal Court Regi­ster under num­ber: KRS 0000090223, VAT no. 1130026530 REGON 012067147.

  1. You may con­tact Data Con­trol­ler in wri­ting, using tra­di­tio­nal and elec­tro­nic mail, and also by phone as fol­lows:

  1. Address: ul. Nor­wida 26, 05-071 Sule­jó­wek
  2. Tel.: (22) 783 48 38
  3. e-mail: marc­th@marcth. pl

  1. In accor­dance with valid regu­la­tions con­cer­ning per­so­nal data pro­tec­tion, in par­ti­cu­lar with Regu­la­tion of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment and Coun­cil (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of natu­ral per­sons with regard to the pro­cessing of per­so­nal data and on the free move­ment of such data (here­ina­fter ’GDPR’), in order to ensure pro­per per­so­nal data pro­tec­tion, Con­trol­ler pre­sents below infor­ma­tion for data sub­jects con­cer­ning per­so­nal data pro­cessing.

  1. Con­trol­ler takes all efforts to ensure any means of phy­si­cal, tech­ni­cal and orga­ni­za­tio­nal per­so­nal data pro­tec­tion aga­inst their acci­den­tal or inten­tio­nal damage, loss, change, unau­tho­ri­zed disc­lo­sure, use or access, in accor­dance with all valid regu­la­tions.


Your per­so­nal data obta­ined by us are used:

  1. To enter and per­form con­tractual rela­tion­ship, i. e. to com­plete any pro­duct sale agre­ement and pro­vi­sion of servi­ces for Clients, inc­lu­ding assu­rance of cor­rect quality of servi­ces – thro­ughout a period of agre­ements and set­tle­ments and the­re­after, as well as for expi­ra­tion time of cla­ims – art. 6 par. 1 b GDPR;
  2. Pro­cessing is neces­sary for com­pliance with a legal obli­ga­tion: issu­ing and sto­ring invo­ices and acco­un­ting docu­ments, respon­ding to com­pla­ints in due time and in the form requ­ired by regu­la­tions – for the time of per­forming obli­ga­tions and the time requ­ired by law to keep docu­ments – art. 6 par. 1 let. C GDPR;
  3. To esta­bli­sh­ment, exer­cise or defence of legal cla­ims resul­ting from made con­tract – for the time when any cla­ims under con­tract expire – art. 6 par. 1 let b GDPR;
  4. Law­ful inte­rest, which is adver­ti­sing out servi­ces/pro­ducts, i. e. pre­sen­ta­tion our offer of servi­ces/pro­ducts, if you con­tact us for this pur­pose – art. 6 par. 1 let f GDPR – for the time when Con­trol­ler’s busi­ness needs con­ti­nue to exist;
  5. Law­ful inte­rest, which is main­ta­ining good busi­ness rela­tions and within pro­fes­sio­nal rela­tions – art. 6 par. 1 let f GDPR – for the time when Con­trol­ler’s busi­ness needs con­ti­nue to exist;


  1. To per­form a con­tract Con­trol­ler needs the fol­lo­wing per­so­nal deta­ils: iden­ti­fi­ca­tion data (full name, VAT reg. no., PESEL (per­so­nal id no.), ID card series and num­ber) address data (e-mail, street, loca­lity, postal code). Lack of these deta­ils pre­vents per­formance of any order.
  2. In addi­tion, Con­trol­ler may ask to give optio­nal deta­ils (e. g. con­tact num­ber), which have no effect on a con­tract conc­lu­sion, but faci­li­tate con­tact with Client, and the same make order com­ple­tion more effi­cient.
  3. In a con­tract period we may ask for other, addi­tio­nal data (docu­ments that con­tain data), in extent needed to per­form any made con­tract, which were not neces­sary during the con­tract conc­lu­sion, but they appe­ared as requ­ired at the later stage of the con­tract per­formance.
  4. In case when party a con­tract with us is a legal per­son, then for the pur­pose and during per­formance of this con­tract we shall pro­cess per­so­nal data of repre­sen­ta­ti­ve­s/em­ploy­ees and agents of such legal per­sons that were defi­ned as con­tact per­sons, inc­lu­ding: full name, e-mail, tele­phone.
  5. Data are pro­cessed in accor­dance with requ­ire­ments of appli­ca­ble laws and con­tractual terms.


Data Reci­pient means a phy­si­cal or legal per­son, public autho­rity, unit or other entity, to whom Con­trol­ler disc­lose your per­so­nal data.

We trans­fer your data to:

  1. Enti­ties that pro­cess data for Con­trol­ler, that par­ti­ci­pate in Con­trol­ler’s ope­ra­tions, i. e. in Custo­mer service pro­cess (e. g. sup­pliers);
  2. Enti­ties that ope­rate our tele-infor­ma­tion sys­tems and pro­vide tele-infor­ma­tion tools for us;
  3. Enti­ties that pro­vide for Con­trol­ler con­sul­tin­g/le­gal assi­stance, audit servi­ces.

If data are pro­vided to third enti­ties, Con­trol­ler requ­ires them to main­tain con­fi­den­tia­lity and secu­rity of infor­ma­tion, and only use data for pro­vi­ding given service or pro­duct.


  1. Data Con­trol­ler ensu­res the fol­lo­wing rights that allow apply­ing for:

  1. Rec­ti­fi­ca­tion (cor­rec­tion) of data that are inac­cu­rate, in par­ti­cu­lar, because they have been col­lec­ted with errors or they chan­ged after col­lec­tion. The above right also applies to com­ple­tion of lac­king data;

  1. Era­sure of data pro­cessed unlaw­fully or pla­ced in our Inter­net servi­ces. You may exer­cise the above right only when:

  • Your data are no lon­ger neces­sary in rela­tion to the pur­poses for which they were col­lec­ted, in par­ti­cu­lar after expi­ra­tion of the period plan­ned by Con­trol­ler or man­da­tory period of data pro­cessing;
  • You with­drawn con­sent on which the pro­cessing is based accor­ding to point, unless Con­trol­ler has other legal gro­und for the pro­cessing;
  • You objec­ted to the pro­cessing and there are no over­ri­ding legi­ti­mate gro­unds for the pro­cessing.

Con­trol­ler may refuse to erase per­so­nal data in cases anti­ci­pa­ted by law, in par­ti­cu­lar if fur­ther pro­cessing is requ­ired to ful­fill law­ful obli­ga­tion that requ­ires pro­cessing of these data under law of Union or Mem­ber State, or the esta­bli­sh­ment, exer­cise or defence of legal cla­ims.

  1. Restric­tion of pro­cessing (stop­ping ope­ra­tions on data – respec­ti­vely to requ­est) when:
  • You question accu­racy of per­so­nal data – for the period allo­wing Con­trol­ler to check these data;
  • The pro­cessing is unlaw­ful and you oppose the era­sure of the per­so­nal data and requ­est the restric­tion of their pro­cessing instead (their use);
  • Con­trol­ler no lon­ger needs the per­so­nal data, but they are requ­ired by you for the esta­bli­sh­ment, exer­cise or defence of legal claim.

  1. Access to data (infor­ma­tion on data we pro­cess and copy of the data), inc­lu­ding requ­est to obtain copy of per­so­nal data sub­ject to pro­cessing. First copy is free of charge. For any fur­ther copy requ­ested from Con­trol­ler may be reaso­na­bly char­ged due to han­dling costs (postal costs, xerox copies, etc.);

  1. Data trans­mit to ano­ther con­trol­ler. You have the right to rece­ive your per­so­nal data, in a struc­tu­red, com­monly used and machine-reada­ble for­mat and have the right to trans­mit those data to ano­ther con­trol­ler;

  1. Right to object data pro­cessing, when pro­cessing is per­formed based on law­ful Con­trol­ler’s inte­rest. Con­trol­ler shall no lon­ger pro­cess the per­so­nal data unless the con­trol­ler demon­stra­tes com­pel­ling legi­ti­mate gro­unds for the pro­cessing which over­ride the inte­rests, rights and fre­edoms of the data sub­ject;

  1. Right to with­draw con­sent for data pro­cessing in any time (if pro­cessing Was based on your con­sent). Howe­ver, the con­sent with­dra­wal shall not affect law­fulness of pro­cessing before the con­sent with­dra­wal.

  1. Rights indi­ca­ted in par. 1 may be exer­cised sub­mit­ting requ­est to Con­trol­ler’s pre­mi­ses or cal­ling num­ber given in sec. 1 (Infor­mation on Con­trol­ler). Con­trol­ler may ask for addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion that allows to authen­ti­cate a per­son who exer­cises said rights. To make sure you are enti­tled to the requ­est, we may ask you for addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion that allows authen­ti­ca­tion.

  1. If data use by Con­trol­ler is not neces­sary to per­form a con­tract, ful­filling legal obli­ga­tion or is not law­fully justi­fied Con­trol­ler’s inte­rest, you may requ­est spe­ci­fied data pro­cessing method. Given con­sent may be with­drawn in any time (this will not affect law­fulness of data pro­cessing before this con­sent with­dra­wal).

  1. You may lodge com­pla­int to the Cha­ir­man of Per­so­nal Data Pro­tec­tion Office, if you believe that pro­cessing your data is unlaw­ful.


Your per­so­nal data are pro­cessed by Con­trol­ler elec­tro­nically and manu­ally.

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Политика конфиденциальности PPH MARC-TH M. i B. Kamińscy sp. j. ul. Norwida 26 05-071 Sulejówek tel./fax: (22) 783-48-38 tel.: (22) 783-53-24 e-mail: marcth@marcth.pl